Department of Economics



Economics is the social science that studies the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. In today's increasingly growing society, where our needs are virtually more than our resources there is the need to effectively manage these limited resources.
The program of the department is effort to achieve academic excellence by way of quality education in Pakistan in general and particularly in Jhang. It is based on the market demand for a special blend of graduates who will combine in themselves the technical abilities and know-how of economics.
With strong background knowledge about economics, the students find their jobs in the market and are placed in well-reputed organizations.

HOD Message

Economics needs to be a dynamic and fast-changing subject in order to deal with the vast challenges, the world is facing today. We strongly encourage you to seek opportunities to have fun and build and deepen your social capital during your time in the Department of Economics. There are many student-driven initiatives to allow you to interact with your peers in the meaningful ways. Positive peer interactions can help you to, among other things, solve problems, cope with exam pressures, collaborate on outreach and class projects, and develop soft skills and tolerance and respect for your peers. Always keep in mind that your success in life depends not only on your academic feats but also on how you socially interact with your peers.


Our vision is the preparation of students capable of critical thinking and independent analysis for living their lives of responsibility, leadership and service. The faculty members in the Department of Economics emphasize excellence in teaching through continuous professional development.


To prepare students for acquiring applied knowledge of economics to enhance their employability and entrepreneurship.